Saturday, July 15, 2023

Try FlyLady's Daily Focus Concept to Get Things in Order! #LessStressMoreFun

In doing some paper decluttering recently, I came across some papers I'd printed in 2017 from FlyLady's website. If you're not familiar with FlyLady, she's the queen of organization and decluttering! 

The papers I had printed and put into my ARC system were all about Daily Focus, which means focusing ONLY on a certain task each day. I remember my mom telling me that my Great Aunt Eva would do this, as well, assigning only certain days for doing laundry, changing sheets, baking for the week, etc. In more detail and an updated version goes something like this (and of course you can switch around the days so they work better for you and your family situation):

Monday is for the weekly home blessing hour. Set a timer for an hour and just spent maybe 10 minutes on each of the following: vacuum (middle of floor only), dust, quick mop, polish mirrors and doors, purge magazines and catalogs, change sheets, empty all trash cans.

Tuesday is for planning the week in the following ways: menu, activities, date night and family fun time, wardrobe, checking prescription refill needs. The rest of the day is for fun!

Wednesday is for anti-procrastination. On this day, you might: make doctor appointments, work on a project with your child, clean the fish tank, do some ironing, call your internet provider to see if you can get your rates lowered, etc.

Thursday is for errands like: grocery shopping, doctor appointments, dentist and orthodontist appointments, homeschool shopping, dropping off donations, going to the bank, dropping off Amazon return packages at the UPS Store, etc.

Friday is declutter your purse and car day and also Date Night! 

I didn't have sheets for Saturday or Sunday so I went on the website to see if there were any. I couldn't find any but instead found these Daily Missions. Check them out because one includes you taking a bubble bath!

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