Monday, February 19, 2024

22 Places to Check for Homeschool Books You Need

In keeping with my reputation as a Connector, this post will connect you with books! But first, a little story...

(queue the sad classical music)

I'm teaching a high school Government class this year at our Catholic homeschool co-op, and I'm using the 2014 edition of Declaration Statesmanship in conjunction with the Book of Readings. Early in the summer, these were easy to find for under $15 each, but as fall looms closer, they are more rare and more expensive.

One of the moms in the co-op needed these books. Her kid was not actually taking my class but wanted to follow along with the lesson plan at home.

She wrote me recently and told me the main book was going for $200 on Amazon. I was like, "WHAT?!" and then my fingers flew across my laptop keyboard searching for a better price. I knew that other parents also did not yet have the books and was worried they would not be able to find it at a good price, and that is NOT ACCEPTABLE!

And yes, there is that not-super-visible part of the page that says you can maybe get a copy used if you click a certain link. (she ended up getting the book that way; another student's mom got the book from another homeschool mom I connected her with)

Happy ending to this story, and here are 22 places where you can check for books you need!



Amazon (click the used)

Best Bookstores by State (blog post)

Better World Books






Facebook (groups, personal, Marketplace, used curriculum sale events)

Friends and fellow homeschoolers who have older kids who may have taken the course, so they might have the book you need. I'm always more willing to part with books on my bookshelf if someone is offering me money for them!

Garage sales — True, this is more for when you are planning WAY ahead or in pure perusal mode, but you never know what you might find!

Half Price Books 

HomeWorks for Books — This is a local Kansas City area homeschooling foster family with a HUGE consignment business. We have consigned some of our coop books and I've consigned my personal books and we've done very well going through her!

Library (yours) 

Library (friend's or family member's) 

Powell's Books

Second Sale


Thrift stores — You never know what books you might find at your rinky-dink neighborhood thrift store!

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