Friday, January 10, 2014

Union Station's Science City in Kansas City, Missouri

We asked my dad and stepmom for a membership to Science City for Christmas and got it and we were so excited to go for the first time. The membership for a family of 8 (which means I can take 2 extra kids or Mr. Kerrie and 1 extra kid) is only $125, which means we go twice and it pays for itself! Coupled with the Kansas City Zoo membership my mom gets us every year for Christmas, and we are all set for amazing, educational activities! Here are some photos from today:

Yeah, I was pretty annoyed when we went and found out they were CLOSED.

So we went to the Plaza instead and gave them our money

Cheesecake Factory, to be specific

Then went to Daddy's work to give him some cheesecake, chowder and have a snowball fight!

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