Wednesday, January 8, 2014

CTC Math at 60% off for Homeschoolers! (and a Confession by Me) and UPDATE

I am so excited to be working with! I found them through another homeschool blogger and was shocked to be able to get 60% off their usual rate. This means I only pay $15.97 per month for my entire family, which is 4 kids right now that are homeschooling and Sam will be ready in another year! This is a major deal for me.

The thing is, I used to use and it was fine (and, I believe, more than $15 per month). But there was no teaching. It was only tests. So if I didn't prep them well enough, they would get frustrated. And teaching so many grade levels was so difficult to do in addition to our busy lives. Here's the confession part ... So I kind of just gave up. We tried, which is used in public schools, and they literally cried because they hated the timed drills.

I did not enjoy math growing up because teachers were not able to take the time needed to make sure everyone understood a concept before moving on. In 10th grade Geometry we had a horrid teacher first semester. We could not understand what he was saying and we were all flunking. Second semester we got a red-headed phenom and she made sure every single kid understood something before moving on. She did not care what her superiors thought; she wanted us to GET IT. And we did not berate each other for not understanding a concept or slowing the class down. We helped each other and only tested when we were all ready.

I wanted to be like her with math and did not know how since I am an "English girl."

Enter CTC Math. It has wonderful, explanatory videos for every skill set your kids needs. Things are explained in different ways and NOT JUST ONE WAY because WE ARE ALL NOT THE SAME and we understand things differently!

Your kid watches a video that is pretty short. If they get the concept they answer questions. You set the passing grade. I have mine set to 90%. If they don't pass, they get two more chances to take it again. You get lovely parent reports so you can see that you are making progress. My kids aren't moaning and groaning about math anymore. They see progress and they see they are mastering concepts, even if we had to start back a couple of grades just to make sure they are comprehending stuff so we can move on.

So click here to get the homeschooler's deal and there are a number of different ways to pay. I think $15.97 per month for math without tears is a darn good deal, especially for people like me who have a slew of kidlets!

Let me know if you have any questions ... I'm happy to answer anything at all about homeschooling!

Happy Mathing!

Updated April 2015 and we still love this program and it is worth every penny. It helps pre-teach some math concepts so that when we hit our Calvert virtual school checkpoints on the same topics they are ready to roll and comprehend it all better!

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