Sunday, March 20, 2016

Grandparents and Homeschool Fears: Homeschool Co-op Yearbook Photos 2015-2016

My mother is going to FREAK OUT over these! Common concerns of grandparents when you tell them you're going to homeschool are things like: what about an annual Christmas play, yearbooks, prom, graduation, pep rallies, social stuff?

HAVE NO FEAR! We already had tons of social interactions and some of that stuff isn't necessary anyway. Prom and graduation are way later and homeschool organizations do have things like that. Joel has been to a few teen dances already and loved them.

This year we joined a Catholic homeschool co-op. It was time. I had always wanted to but never found the right one. This co-op got super flexible last year and let slackers work-at-home moms like me come only one day a week and even come late, so we could experience three hours of "school" plus Mass, lunch and recess. It's been life-changing for my entire family.

Yearbook pics were taken last year and I could not be more excited. I think I am the only freak mother who ordered a yearbook for EACH OF HER KIDS. I want to see them going around getting them signed by their friends and teachers and hope they save them forever. Here are my babies!

Joel, 8th grade

Michael, 6th grade

Callie, 4th grade (but we called her 5th so she could be with her friend for her first year of co-op)

Eva, 2nd grade

Samuel, Kindergarten

Mrs. McLoughlin, helper

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